Thursday, October 1, 2009

RelationSHITS! The troubles of two athletes dating

I no longer consider them relationships.
All they consist of are a relation between two people and bullshit. So now I think that "relation-shits" is a more appropriate word.
But anyway, aren't relationships, I mean relation-SHITS, hard enough? Especially in college.

Even worse, how can you date another FAU athlete and expect to cope if there's a break-up?

The worst things about dating another athlete at Florida Atlantic University are:
  • You will see your ex constantly around the Oxley Athletic Center at mandatory meetings, training room, workouts, study hall, or athletic advisor offices.

  • Everyone in the athletic department is a mini-family, so everyone will know all the details.

  • It's awkward whenever you go to your ex's sporting events, or any FAU games at all.

  • Athletes always hang out with each other at parties, dinners, and much more.

  • People (mostly athletes) start taking sides after the break-up.

  • Other athletes will hesitate to date you because they don't want to cause conflicts with your ex.

These issues make it seem more like a break-down rather than a break-up when you date another athlete at FAU.

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