Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Florida Atlantic Women's Soccer hosts Sun Belt Conference Championship, but won't compete

Starting today, November 4, through Sunday, November 8, Florida Atlantic University will be hosting the 2009 Sun Belt Conference Championship for Women's Soccer.

Every year, the tournament is held at a different university in order to be fair. It is a huge advantage for the home university because traveling takes a lot out of the performance of athletes.

That is... when the home university is actually in the tournament.

For the first time ever, Florida Atlantic University women's soccer team could not pull through with enough wins this season to receive a spot at the Sun Belt Conference Championship. It is also the first time the tournament has been held at FAU.

So as Florida Atlantic University sets up all the banners, decorates the soccer fields, and host eight women's soccer teams for the Sun Belt Conference Championship, the FAU women's team has to just sit back and watch all the action.

If it isn't rubbed in their face enough, the FAU women's soccer head coach is making the women attend the final championship game on Sunday.

I wonder if some of them will be ball chasers too! Ouch!

Monday, November 2, 2009

THEE World Series... Florida Atlantic Style: The Shockers vs. F United

We're all aware of the 2009 World Series- the Philadelphia Philles against the New York Yankees.

But did you know Florida Atlantic University is having their own World Series tournament?
The assistant coaches each drafted their choice of players from the Florida Atlantic University baseball team to form their own team for the World Series tournament.

After the two teams were formed, the players had to come up with "official team names." And trust me, it wasn't the Phillies or Yankees.

Coach Sanderson's squad choose: The Shockers, while Coach Frick's team agreed on: Frick United. (No need to go into further explanation in order to keep this post rated G)

The teams will practice separately for two days this week. And then the first FAU World Series game will start Wednesday afternoon, ending Friday.

The winner will be the best out of three games.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Men and Women's Cross Country Sun Belt Conference race is scheduled on Halloween AGAIN!

Doesn't look like the FAU Cross Country teams will be dressing up for this Halloween once again. For the third year in a row, the Sun Belt scheduled the Cross Country Conference Championship race on Halloween weekend.

Even though I wasn't on the trip this year due to having knee surgery in July, it still makes me so mad because all my running friends were out of town at the race.
I wish the Sun Belt understood that college students and student-athletes really look forward to Halloween, dressing up, and celebrating this holiday with friends.

The cross country teams are runners everyday of the year, they don't want to dress up as a runner on Halloween too.

Hopefully next year the race won't fall on Halloween weekend again because it will be my senior year--and I want to go all out for my last collegiate Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trunk-or-Treat: The Halloween football tailgate

The Florida Atlantic University football team is asking fans to come out to their Halloween game for a "Trunk-or-Treat" tailgate.

This could be a lot of fun, but I'm sure most students are:
  • at the local Halloween store trying to find their costume,
  • taking a nap all day to prepare for their upcoming night,
  • working,
  • out of town visting friends at other universities,
  • or worried that they will get caught tailgating by police for drinking under age.

Halloween is already a risk for all young people because

  1. 1. it is clear that everyone will be partying,
  2. 2.(not that it isn't fun going to football games) but if people do go I'm sure they would rather be somewhat intoxicated,
  3. 3. police officers and undercover cops are always at the games trying to catch underage drinking,
  4. and those who are underage most likely won't want to get caught on Halloween because they would miss all the night partying after the game.
Also, with the FAU football team's losing stats, I doubt many "trunk-or-treaters" will be interested to attend anyway.

Sorry boys, but I think everyone already figures "witch" team will win, and "trunk-or-treaters" probably won't help your chances.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

We Have First Pick!- Athletes have class registration before the rest of student body

Lucky athletes!

While most of the student body is up at midnight on November 10 waiting for class registration to open, Florida Atlantic athletes will be snug in our beds knowing we already registered for the classes we need.

Most students think this is unfair, but there is no other way around it. Athletes must register before anyone else because we have specific practice times.

I think this is one of the best things about being a Florida Atlantic athlete--especially because of all the budget cuts and few classes to choose from.

Every major has required classes each student must take, in a particular order of course. However, there is only like one (maybe two) classes offered each semester.

For example, out of the nine main classes in the Multimedia Journalism major I have already completed eight, and I'm only a junior! Other students in the major are frustrated by this because they are waiting to take these classes in order to graduate.

While it might be stressful for other students, I don't make the rules about class registration.

I'm just thankful that we can register early, I can get into the classes I need with the schedule I want, and I can graduate on time without any issues.

"Mandatory" Sportsmanship Survey- The importance of sportsmanship in athletics

The Florida Atlantic athletic department sent out e-mails to every coach and athlete to complete the Sun Belt Conference Sportsmanship Survey.

The e-mail stated that if every athlete on every team did not complete the survey, then the team would not be allowed to compete in the Sun Belt Conference Championship.

I think that's a little extreme. I mean I do understand, and agree, that sportsmanship is extremely important in athletics of all levels (but still, come on.)

The survey was very beneficial because it offered a lot of information about sportsmanship and the correct ways to react in particular stressful game situations.

However, I'm sorry to say but if an athlete is that competitive, then they probably aren't going to be thinking about a little survey when they are upset in a game.

Do you think these athletes were thinking about a sportsmanship survey making these descisions?

When you're an athlete, there are times where you might make bad decisions such as:
  • hitting another player,
  • yelling at a referee,
  • using foul language,
  • talking back to a coach,
  • or anything disrespect in the presence of a game, practice, etc.

But athletes don't act inappropriate and disrespect on purpose, it's out of frustration from competitiveness in the game and with other players. We just want to win.

I hope these surveys work to remind athletes because sportsmanship is important. But until then, athletes just need to practice self-control in real-life situations.

And trust me... it's harder than you think!

Bring on the Cold?- Dealing with Florida's inconsistent weather patterns

One day it's 98 degrees. The next day it's 58 degrees.

I can't stand Florida's weather sometimes.

Yes, I might be one of the few athletes that is complaining about our recent cold front, but that's because I had to do a swim workout this morning!

If I was at football or softball practice, or even out for a jog, then I'm positive that I would have enjoyed the drop in temperature.

Even though it wasn't even that cold this week, it took the cross country team about 30 minutes to jump in the pool to do a swim workout. I know, pretty ridiculous.

So, how do the swimmers handle the freezing water in January or February when it's like 30 degrees outside?

... Especially wearing those itsy bitsy swim suits! They must be nuts.

During the winter, most athletes can add on extra layers to stay warm without it effecting their performance. The new technologies of under armor clothing are amazing because they provide warmth with such little fabric.

But, swimmers usually don't have that luxury because any kind of additional layers can slow them down.

I have a lot of respect for swimmers, not only because they have to compete in freezing water during the winter, but their sport is extremely challenging.

I might go watch a swim meet this winter, but luckily I'll have some hot chocolate and heavy layers!